Health & Safety

Here at Pearl we value honesty, integrity and respect for those within our work environment. We aim to allow these morals guide our every move – from those we do business with, to the way that we treat our own employees. We have made a strong, consistent effort to train our leaders to promote, and be open to discussing HSE behaviors with employees, in order to promote an HSE culture within the workplace.

Leadership & HSE

We believe that leaders at every level should set examples for all employees, in order to promote a culture in which everyone shares a commitment to HSE.  We consider leadership a primary tool in achieving our HSE goals, and it is therefore important to clearly define what we at Pearl expect out of our leaders within the HSE department:

Unified concepts of HSE

In order to create a streamlined vision of what it means to be a leader in HSE at Pearl, it is vital that leaders are able to come to a clear consensus on the value of HSE and how it can be best implemented within the company. This may be achieved by:

  • Jointly developing and discussing HSE, promoting improvement goals, objectives, and other indicators
  • Ensuring staff have a balance of HSE goals, objectives, and targets in their performance appraisals

Promote HSE visibility

Putting HSE on the forefront of all tasks will encourage a paradigm shift, allowing HSE to become a central theme of the work ethic that we value at Pearl. We propose that this can be done in the following ways:

  • Putting HSE issues high on the agenda of the meetings they are chairing
  • Participating in the review of performance against all HSE plans, goals, objectives, and targets.
  • Providing immediate and visible response and involvement in the case of an incident or any other disruption to business as usual
  • Seeking internal and external views on HSE, and using and managing this knowledge in a meaningful manner
  •  Recognizing individual and group HSE achievements, using positive behavior reinforcement techniques, and guiding staff to correct behavior as necessary

Nurture a positive HSE culture

  • Making the slogan “Safety Above All Else” become a core value
  • Providing the motivation to improve individual, team, and company level HSE performance.
  • Encouraging the acceptance of individual accountability and responsibility for HSE performance
  • Requiring participation and involvement at all levels in the development, implementation, maintenance, and continual improvement of Pearls HSE Management System.
  • Empowerment for all to intervene and stop any substandard and/or hazardous work activity without blame or redress
  • Allocating appropriate resources and expertise to meet HSE goals, objectives, and targets (e.g. finance, manpower, time, technology, skills, and/or training).
  • Undertaking relevant training and other HSE leadership competency development activities themselves.
  • Being fully aware of Pearl's high priority areas for improvements identified in the HSE Management System
  • Communicating its HSE expectations to employees and contractors via various channels and best-practice activities
  • Including HSE issues in strategic planning and business risk assessments

Adapt to the changing nature of HSE

  • Reviewing the progress in both the development and content of Pearl's HSE Management System so as to ensure its ongoing suitability, effectiveness, and continual improvement.
  • Allocating appropriate resources and expertise to meet HSE goals, objectives, and targets (e.g. finance, manpower, time, technology, skills, and/or training).
  • Undertaking relevant training and other HSE leadership competency development activities themselves.
  • Being fully aware of Pearl's high priority areas for improvements identified in the HSE Management System
  • Achieving and maintaining external certification of the HSE Management System to international standards
  • Communicating its HSE expectations to employees and contractors via various channels and best-practice activities
  • Including HSE issues in strategic planning and business risk assessments

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